How does Covid-19 affect eyesight?

Written by admin

July 4, 2021

Some Covid-19 patients have reported mild, visual symptoms but there is not enough evidence to    imply that coronavirus does affect eyesight.

Based on recent data, doctors believe 1% to 3% of people with Covid-19 will develop conjunctivitis commonly known as pinkeye. This occurs when a virus infects tissue called conjunctiva, which covers the white part of your eye or the inside of your eyelids. Red, swollen, itchy eyes are the usual symptoms. Many among the medical fraternity agree that lack of research means the impact that coronavirus has on eyesight, remains an uncertainty. It, however, is believed that the virus is passed on, primarily, through droplets from a cough or a sneeze, via your nose, mouth, or eyes.

ConjunctivitisContracting conjunctivitis doesn’t mean you have Covid-19. Conjunctivitis has many causes that can irritate your eyes. These include:

  • a variety of viruses
  • bacteria
  • chemicals
  • allergens

Many forms of conjunctivitis respond to over-the-counter treatments within a week or two. If, however, this condition accompanies a fever, cough, or shortness of breath, you are advised to consult your doctor, particularly if you have:

  • macular degeneration
  • diabetic retinopathy
  • regular eye injections – most commonly treatment for age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vein occlusion
  • loss of vision
  • blank spots or flashes
  • headache, nausea, and vomiting
  • loss of – or change in – taste and smell

Phone for instructions before making a visit.

SneezingWe should all follow hygiene practices and avoid touching our faces – particularly the mucous membranes in our mouths, noses, and eyes.

Optometrist will tell you coughing, and sneezing, can create visual problems with your vision, so your condition may not be linked to coronavirus. You are probably experiencing the effects of a mild viral illness.

It is imperative that you refer any changes in your eyes or your vision to an optometrist.

Remember our free eye test for pensioners  valid until 31

August 2020 – and keep in mind our budget plan offer .

Please read our previous blogs  to keep yourself informed about eye conditions and eye care.

We offer a safe, welcoming environment, follow all the Covid-19 health protocols – and we implore you to follow good eye-care practices.

Let your eye care journey start with us.

Let your eye care journey start with us.

“The Visonworks Overport Team”

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